At CD Medical, we’re committed to bringing innovative solutions to healthcare professionals at the forefront of patient care.
That is why we are proud to introduce to our portfolio Cinesteam®, a groundbreaking cinnamon based dressing that effectively manages malodorous wounds. More than just an odour-control dressing, Cinesteam® is designed to restore comfort, dignity, and quality of life to patients.
Understanding the Impact of Malodorous Wounds
Of all wound symptoms, odour is cited by patients and carers as the most distressing. It can lead to social isolation, depression, and revulsion (Gethin, 2014).
At CDMedical, we understand the profound impact that malodour can have on patients and their carers.
We recently conducted interviews with healthcare professionals who have extensive experience in wound management. We asked clinicians what impact wound malodour had on their patient’s lives. Just some of the responses are listed below:
- Social isolation – patients do not want to go out.
- Impact on appetite. Patients can taste the odour, making them feel nauseas.
- It permeates their clothing
- They don’t want to use public transport because people don’t want to sit next them.
- Impact on relationships – couples sleeping in separate beds.
- Feelings of embarrassment, frustration, shame, self-consciousness
- It “just affects everything.”
The insights we gained underscored the life-changing impact of wound odour on patients and caregivers, and the need for effective solutions.
Cinesteam – Developed in Collaboration with Experts in Wound Management
Cinesteam is an innovative new wound dressing designed to combat odour and improve the quality of life of patients.
Developed in collaboration with experts in wound management, Isabelle Fromantin Clinical Nurse Specialist PhD at the Cure Institute in Paris and Prof Sebastian Probst University Hospital Geneva, Cinesteam® aims to:
- Improve Quality of Life: For patients, relatives, and carers, reducing wound odour can significantly enhance their daily living experience.
- Regain Self Esteem: By controlling odour, Cinesteam® helps patients regain their confidence and live their lives more fully.
- Alleviate Burden of Malodour: Cinesteam® alleviates caregivers and relatives from the distressing burden of strong malodour.
How Does Cinesteam Manage Wound Odour?
After scientific testing and sensory studies, research found cinnamon to be effective in the reduction of wound malodour.
The cinnamon sachet contained within Cinesteam both:
- Adsorbs the volatile compounds emanating from malodorous wounds.
- Releases the pleasant, natural fragrance of cinnamon for the comfort of the patient.
The cinnamon powder used in Cinesteam was selected from several varieties for its specific olfactory and adsorption properties after multiple sensory perception tests and chemical analysis.
Cinesteam components allow the passage of air and moisture to prevent maceration, and the absorbent layer absorbs excess exudate from the primary dressing.
Cinesteam is available to order via FP10 now.
To find out how Cinesteam can help your patients, contact us here